closed while moving - open again from the 13th of Jan


Communication Smudge

The Communication Smudge is inspired by the throat Chakra, encouraging you to speak your truth. Made with a White Sage, Juniper, Palo Santo + Peppermint base finished with blue + white florals and Kyanite.

Ingredients include:

>> Peppermint - refreshing + uplifting

>> Palo Santo - for energy + cleansing.

>> Blue Florals - for inspiration  + communication

>> White Florals - for transformation +imagination

>> Roses - calming + attracting love

>> White Sage - for cleansing dense energy.

>> Juniper - for protection and purification

>> Kyanite - tranquility, energy and protection. Throat Chakra.

140mm long

Here are some tips to get you started:

This bundle has been created to burn all together, allowing the complimentary ingredients aromas to fill the air and work their magic through the smoke.

Start by choosing your intention. Light the end of your bundle, once it flaming you can blow it out and allow the smoke to spread. Keep a dish below to catch any embers that may fall. You can use this bundle to add grounding energy into your spaces, crystals and your self.

Once you’re finished put out the embers in your bowl or slightly wet the ends. You can then use your bundle again when needed.

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